love-at-first-sight wonderland of oddball collectibles,
and objets d'art." - Country Living
Magazine |
Homer & Langley's Mystery Spot Antiques is a must-see
for tourists, treasure hunters, curiosity seekers, and antiquers
alike. Packed to the rafters with unusual antiques, collectibles,
found objects and downright oddities, The Mystery Spot
will amaze and delight!
(New around here? Then you may wish to take a stroll over to our new and faithfully updated blog for all the latest in Mystery Spot photos and updates. p.s. we have some more wonderful press links to add....we're just a little behind there, sorry!)
 |  |
The (former) entrance to Homer & Langley's Mystery Spot. We're tucked away on Phoenicia's "World-Famous"
Boardwalk, mere steps from right on Main Street! Our pal and
Keith Strahan
made this fabulous
Mystery Spot
sign with a log and a chain saw. |
was SPECTACULAR! Drop everything you're doing and
head for The Mystery Spot.....This woman has thought
of everything and has it for sale!!!! "
- Mary Randolph Carter' (author,
American Junk) |
The Mystery Spot
has something for everyone. Primitives, mid-century
modern, cookie jars, lighting, paint-by-number art,
kitchenware, Fire King dinnerware, salt & pepper
shakers, vintage clothing, old clocks, board games,
vintage fabric & tablecloths, mod curtains, books,
chrome, garden gnomes, pottery, rusty tins, and other
Mystery Spot is sure to provide
a few of the weirdest sights
you've ever
seen - at least since your last
visit to
grandma's attic." - Albany
Times-Union |
La la, the Magical Mystery Door. Once it opens,
who knows what wonders await inside? (Note lower left:
our special "Yard Sale in a Box," or,
the "Mistake Box" - anything in this
box for a dollar. Our lapse in judgement = your treasure!)
|  |  |
the tradition of Barnum's museum.........a tourist-related
spectacle that would make Phineas Taylor himself
green with envy"
- Catskill Mountain News |
Named for Homer & Langley, the infamous
Collyer Brothers
(who were tragically crushed under their 136-ton accumulation
of "collectibles"), the
Mystery Spot
is a shrine to clutter. As a child, proprietress
Laura Levine
still remembers being warned by her mother that she
might end up like one of the Collyer Brothers if she
didn't clean up her room.
Did she listen?
You be the judge.
"A glance inside the Mystery Spot shows that
one could spend hours searching for hidden treasures
among the clutter of antiques, collectibles and
oddities." - Antique
Week |
Old cameras, knitting and sewing notions, linens, pole
lamps, enamelware, vintage hats, Russel Wright, old
radios, school primers, sixties trash tabloids, cocktail
shakers, vintage christmas tree ornaments, black velvet
paintings, teapots, early surgical instruments, record
albums, old postcards and photographs, telephones,
art glass, groovy afghans, and much MUCH more.
 |  | An overview of the shop. Don't be scared. A place for
everything, and everything in its place. |
your fingers!)
how Homer & Langley managed to cram all of this
clutter into such a SMALL SPACE!
unique and quirky cavern of collectibles.......one
could easily spend an hour perusing the shelves
of the "shrine to clutter" and still not
see it all" - Albany
Times-Union |
**********> THIS JUST IN!
The Mystery Spot
is pleased to announce that they have recently expanded
into the back room and have opened a new wing, *** HOMER'S BOOKS D'ARTE ***. Featuring out of print, used & useful books on
the arts -- all periods, all media. Paintings, sculpture,
architecture, photography, design, artists, decorative
arts & antiques -- plus an assortment of interesting
old books in many other fields, hand-picked from Homer's
personal library of over 10,000 volumes.
See why
Homer & Langley's Mystery Spot Antiques
was named one of the most "Bizarre Attractions of the Catskills" by the
Albany Times-Union
and was rated "SPECTACULAR!" by
Mary Randolph Carter
(the world's foremost authority on junk and the author
of "American Junk"). (Go to www.carterjunk.com, then click on "On the Road" and then "Junker's
Journal" and you'll find us there. Thanks, Carter!)
The Mystery Spot
is a proud member of the Ulster County Antique Dealers Assn., the New York State Adopt-a-Highway Program, and Club 57.
Mystery Spot Antiques also provides prop rental services
for films and photo shoots.
 |  |
quirky shop bulges with affordable 20th-century
kitchenware, costume jewelry, '50's table linens,
art pottery,
Americana, and more."
- Country Living Magazine |
A mere drop in the bucket of the amazing vintage fashions
we have to offer here at The Mystery Spot. Fresh merch
brought in every weekend! |
The Mascot of the Mystery Spot: Desdemona, the Devil Girl of Phoenicia. (Note horns and cleft tongue.) We found her at Brimfield
for $15. and would not part with her for the world.
Also there's that metal 4-H sign that
George Holz
keeps trying to buy from us, but we won't part with
that either. (Sorry, George!) |  |  |
 |  | Our favorite wall. Great old canvas school map of New York State (NFS);
a pair of child's leg braces, on loan from the
David Goldin Collection of Medical Oddities
(thanks, David!); a bumper sticker of one of the many
Mystery Spots
which dot (or once dotted) the landscape of this great
country of ours - this one is (was?) in the Adirondacks
(NFS); a coconut head in a bird cage (NFS). Lest you
think everything in the
Mystery Spot
is not for sale,
pish posh!
This photo is an aberration. Everything else you see
on this website is for sale. We promise! |
Except this. The
Creepy Doll Exhibit
(on loan from the David Goldin Collection), topped with a bisque baby doll in an egg. And Dopey
in a Bell Jar. All NFS. Above, a small sampling of
the incredible salt & pepper shaker collections
we have scattered about the shop. Which ARE, believe
it or not, for sale. We DO have to pay our rent, after
all. |  |  |
 |  | A nice view showing our variety of wares. A corner of the extensive
religious icon collection, specializing in many versions
The Infant of Prague
(or, as we like to say, The Infinite Frog). |
The front counter. Vintage patches, 2 for five bucks;
Large Creepy Beetle, twenty bucks (SOLD - enjoy, Tony!);
Walk-A-Matic, five bucks; mint sexist comic postcards
from the 1940's, a buck each; dental mold (NFS); cast
iron woodpecker toothpick dispenser; miniature rock
and mineral collection; Cow's Relief Udder Balm; etc. |  |  |
 |  | Our extensive display of vintage clocks and radios.
Many of which actually work. A small section of one
of our religious displays, featuring a one-of-a-kind
crucifix made of clothespins. Nice collection of antique
birding books. And Hector, the large mounted fish head. |
The March of the Wooden Chef Salt and Pepper Shakers.
|  |  |
 |  | Meet Petey the Piranha. This "Terror of the Esopus" was captured
in 1964 after years of terrorizing tubers. He lived
happily in captivity until he died of old age in 1982. "Watch your fingers!" |
Visitors to
The Mystery Spot
always make sure to check out
Homer's Books d'Arte
in the back room for the widest selection of out-of-print
art and design books. And for style-conscious ladies
and men, the latest in vintage fashions as well. |  |  |
 |  | An alligator head, a baby doll's arm, vintage lesbian
trash pulp fiction, old cameras, and a bandleader's
Fez. |
We call this, simply, (Ar)gyle, Interrupted. |  |  |
 |  | This wonderful old store fixture for
Lady Louise Nylons
in baby blue makes a
great display for our ever-growing selection of tres
chic vintage shoes, hats
and purses for the fashionable Phoenician woman. |
Mr. Guckenheimer is happy to hand you his
business card as you enter the shop. He is joined by a
ceramic pig planter ($10.) who is filed with
genuine Missouri Meerscham corn cob pipes ($4.),
an empty bottle of Chickencock Whiskey ($14.),
an authentic Walk-A-Matic (still in original
box - $5.), and a bowl filled with antique medicinal
advertising tins ($4 - $15). |
 |  |
 |  | This is one of our favorite examples of good old American
marketing ingenuity combined with genius graphic design.
Electric Callous Eraser
from the 1950's. Note the smiley faces drawn on all
the little toes. Many
customers have picked it up and considered taking it
home, but none have yet to take the plunge. We'll be
heartbroken when it goes. At a mere $15. we're amazed
it hasn't walked right out of the
Mystery Spot
door yet! |
A peek at the
Mystery Spot
kitchen. A stack of
Fiestaware, Russel Wright, Universal, Harlequin
and other colorful anonymous kitchen pottery from the
40's and 50's brightens up this little corner. Note
the fabulous
canary yellow two-piece kitchen cabinet and spice chest
in the background. Covered with period decals and a
steal at $65. for the pair! |  |  |
Don't forget to look up when you come visit the
Mystery Spot! You never know what you'll find. A
whole slew of early 20th c. waterfall oils on canvas,
enamelware coffee pots and pitchers, framed bird
pictures made of feathers...and watching over it all,
a very pink and fuzzy creature in a bottomless bird cage. |
Our very own Capistrano. Every year
like clockwork, the swallows return
to Phoenicia. To the very same nest they
built right above the front
door of The Mystery Spot. They renovate
the winter’s damage with a few
well-placed twigs and leaves, and the next thing you know
– baby birds!
It never fails to give us a thrill, and it always makes
us very proud –
and a little sad – when, inevitably, we arrive open
up the shop, don’t
hear the expected “tweet tweet,”
and realize that the babies have left
the nest. |
The New York Times recently did a story
on folks whose cars reflect
their unique workspaces. They sent Times shutterbug
Richard Harbus up to
Phoenicia to photograph us for the article (most cleverly
written by
Claudia Rowe). We were thrilled when
the article and photo ran, and we
continue to be in total denial that we were deemed newsworthy
simply for
having a messy car. In any case, our pal Steven
Bernstein took this
great photo of the Times in action. |
Back in the days before the cell phone, nay, before
CB radios, there was
the humble Ham Radio Operator. Usually
headquartered down in his
basement or garage, he would stay up all night tweaking
knobs to see
what far-off lands he could make contact with. When successful
was made with another ham operator, they would mail a
QSL card to let
them know they received their signal. These wonderful
handmade cards are a sort of graphic folk art of the mid-century, and we
uncovered a stash of them which we have for sale here
at Le Spot for a
mere 50 cents apiece. |
Visitors to Brimfield were treated
to the landing of the Mystery Spot
Satellite Outpost, right on the shoulder of Rte.
20. We did a bang-up
business despite the rain, and picked up lots of treasures
to bring back
to the Mothership. Look for us this spring! |
Viva, Tessa, Georgia and Sylvia
(the Spot-ettes) help advertise our
phenomenal Back To School Sale! |
A nice view of some recent offerings to be found in
Rusticalia. Old
bellows cameras ($35), Prom
hair product advertising box, ($3.), a
selection of book banks, old wooden crutches
($35.), and a great pair of
chalkware rooster lamps ($115. pair). |
A bevy of hand-painted folk art wooden bunnies
($12. each) stand guard
over our always-evolving rack of trashy pulp fiction
paperbacks. When
the Goddess Festival came to town we
sold out of every lesbian pulp in
the shop! Come back again soon, girls! |
The year 2003 marked the 100th anniversary of the volunteer
MF Whitney
Hose Co. Fire Dept. To celebrate the centennial,
there was a parade down
Main Street. Let’s hear it for
the wonderful men and women volunteers
of our local EMT/Fire Departments! |
Here come the Catskill Mts. Pipes & Drums! |
The Phoenicia Rotary Club Float floats
down Main Street. |
Our Motto: "Clutter My World"
more! ----->